Build 3.14 Release Notes

Category: Build Release Notes
Published on Monday, 29 January 2018 13:35
Written by Lesley Biesk
Hits: 885
Download this file (draft_sacwis_prod_db_P.3.14.0.doc)draft_sacwis_prod_db_P.3.14.0.doc[ ]983 Kb
Download this file (Release Notes 3.14.docx)Release Notes 3.14.docx[ ]72 Kb
Download this file (Release Notes for Build 3.14.2 - Final.xls)Release Notes for Build 3.14.2 - Final.xls[ ]105 Kb
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Please see the attachments for the Release Notes and the data base changes for Build 3.14 that is going into SACWIS Production Saturday, January 27th, 2017.