Assigning a Priority Response to a Report

Download this file (Assigning Response Priority to Report12-02-11.pdf)Assigning Priority Response visual[Assigning priority response visual]288 Kb
Download this file (Guidance Article Response Priority _5-12_.pdf)Guidance Article Assigning a priority response to a report[This article provides practice strategies and guidance regarding the assignment of "Emergency" versus "Non-Emergency" to a report. Rule requirements and resources are provided.]105 Kb


The primary responsibility of child protective services during the screening process is to identify children who are in need of protection or services and assure that unsafe children are protected.  Gathering information regarding the safety and risk of the child from the referent during the intake process is crucial in assigning a response priority to a report.  The information obtained is used to determine the screening decision and the immediacy of the initiation of the report.