Recording Medical Conditions and Allergies in SACWIS

Download this file (Recording Medical Conditions and Allergies.doc)Recording Medical Conditions and Allergies.doc[Screen shots of process to record medical conditions and allergies.]730 Kb

Medical conditions and allergies are not entered under the medical section. This information is recorded in the Person Profile.


For Medical Conditions:

Find person, select Profile and select Characteristics.  From the Characteristic Group dropdown, select Medical Condition and click Add Characteristic button.  On the Characteristics Detail screen, select the applicable condition from the Characteristic dropdown.  Add additional information, click Save.  Repeat for additional Medical Conditions.


For Allergies:

Find person, select Profile and select Characteristics.  From the Characteristic Group dropdown, select Medical Condition and click Add Characteristic button.  On the Characteristics Detail screen, select Allergies from the Characteristic dropdown.  In the Subcategory dropdown, select the type of allergy.  In the Additional Information field, describe what the individual is allergic to, click Save.  Repeat for additional allergies.


See attachment for screen shots of this process.