Overview of Child Welfare Measures of Performance Webinar - 12/19/2019

Download this file (AA Performance Measure definitions.docx)Performance Measure definitions[Performance Measure definitions]163 Kb
Download this file (AA Report References for Performance Measure Dashboard.docx)Report References for Performance Measure Dashboard[Report References for Performance Measure Dashboard]14 Kb
Download this file (Performance Measures Webinar Final 2019-12-20.pptx)Performance Measures Webinar Presentation 12-19-2019[Performance Measures Webinar Presentation 12-19-2019]3089 Kb

The webinar titled "Overview of Child Welfare Measures of Performance" was held on December 19, 2019. The webinar provided an overview of Ohio's Child Welfare Measures of Performance and a demonstration of the functionality.

The Performance Measure dashboards discussed in this webinar are the collaboratively established frameworks to measure short and long-term transformation efforts resulting from the increased child welfare budgetary allotment. The dashboard reports provide agencies aggregate information on a variety of performance, outcome, and systemic measures.  Access to the reports is restricted to individuals designated by public children services agency directors and administrators. 

To view this webinar, click here


The PowerPoint slides from the webinar and supporting documents are attached to this article.