Child Match ICCA Integration

Download this file (Child Match Live Event 10.1.2024.pptx)Child Match Live Event 10.1.2024.pptx[ ]966 Kb

A webinar held on October 8, 2024 details the changes made to the Individual Child Care Agreement in Ohio SACWIS which will allow users to create a Child Match post, broadcasting the youth's needs to agencies with potential placement options.   

A link to a recording can be found here:

A .pdf of the slides shown during the presentation are attached.


Q&A from the Webinar:

Q:  When you say Provider Function, what is that referring to?

A:  Provider Function describes the type of placement the home or facility is approved or certified for.  This can include such options as Family Foster Home, Adoptive Home, Group Home or Child Residential Center.  The Provider Functions are documented in the Potential Placement Details screen along with the Provider ID and Provider Name to give the placing agency information on options available from the interested placement agency.  

Q:  When does the addition to the ICCA happen?

A:  These changes deployed with Ohio SACWIS Build 4.35, which went into Production the evening of 10/8/2024.