Child Welfare Policy Guidance

CAPM Safety Assessment Field Guide

The CAPM Safety Assessment Field Guide includes the safety factors, child vulnerabilities, and adult protective capacities. 

There are 11 safety factors, with one safety factor conditional on the previous. All factors must be assessed to determine whether there are active safety threats at the time of assessment.

Indicators of child vulnerabilities and the presence or absence of adult protective capacities are to be considered when determining if there is an active safety threat.

Each safety factor has observations and evidence examples available to select if there is credible information to support the safety factor. An explanation shall include how the information was obtained and how the information supports the selected response.

The field guide includes suggested questions for caretakers, adults, and children designed to assist caseworkers in obtaining necessary information. When using the suggested questions, caseworkers must take into consideration the unique characteristics and development of each individual and family dynamics.


Click here to view the CAPM Safety Assessment in SACWIS article.