Child Welfare Policy GuidanceFamily First Prevention Services Act Prevention Services Overview
On October 1 and 6, 2020 the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Office of Families and Children presented a webinar titled "Family First Prevention Services Act Prevention Services Overview". The presentation included: • An overview of FFPSA and the culture shift involved in CPS’ systemic provision of prevention services. • The availability of Family First Transitional Act funding and transition planning. • Ohio’s plans for implementing FFPSA Prevention Services and future trainings and resources counties can expect to receive from OFC. • An overview of the draft Ohio Administrative Code rules to support FFPSA prevention services program. • An overview of the draft “Prevention Plan” and “Prevention Plan Case Review”. • Next steps and processes in OFC’s development of the proposed rules and tools with PCSAs. • An overview of how to access the Pre-Clearance website for PCSAs and stakeholder to review the draft rules and prepare for upcoming Microbusrt on Rule Review and Policy Hearing (MORRPH) to be offer later in October 2020.
The handouts from the webinar are attached to this article.
Click here to view the webinar from 10-01-2020.
Click here to view the webinar from 10-06-2020.