Critical Incident Reporting

Ohio Administrative Code 5101:2-9-23 Notification and Documentation of Critical Incidents requires that critical incidents for youth placed in residential facilities be reported to the person or agency holding custody within twenty-four hours of the incident. 


Using the new OCAF functionality of Critical Incident Reporting, Agencies will be able to submit their reports directly to custodial agencies and custodians starting on  6/21/2024.  The expectation is that all Critical Incident Reports will be submitted through this portal as of 7/7/2024.  

Additionally, an Ohio SACWIS enhancement will be available on 7/9/2024 that adds a Case Activity Log sub-category value of Critical Incident Reporting.  An e-mail notification to State Licensing Specialists and Supervisors will be sent with details of the Activity Log upon its' completion.  


A video overview on completing a New Critical Incident Report can be found here:


A Webinar on this functionality took place on July 2, 2024.  The slide deck is attached to this article, and a copy of the recording can be found here:

 A Q&A document will be posted shortly.