New Agency Information

Download this file (JFS-07078 (1).pdf)JFS-07078 (1).pdf[ ]746 Kb
Download this file (Payee Information Form.pdf)Payee Information Form.pdf[ ]231 Kb
Download this file (Setting Up Vendor Information.docx)Setting Up Vendor Information.docx[ ]785 Kb
Download this file (TPL.xlsx)TPL.xlsx[ ]13 Kb

Once your agency is licensed with ODJFS to recommend foster homes, you will need to make sure that your agency receives access to the Ohio Statewide Automated Child Welfare System (Ohio SACWIS).  Access to this system will allow you and your employees to record foster parent training, request reimbursement of foster parent stipends and allowance compensation and complete home studies in the system. 

Attached you will find two documents.  The first is called the Target Population List (TPL).  The TPL will be used to define your users in Ohio SACWIS. (The first line in Green is an example of the information needed for each user). The Access Team will create your users in Ohio SACWIS based on this information.  Please leave the column on the TPL entitled State User ID blank.  We will fill this in for you.  The second document is the JFS 7078 form. The 7078 form is required for users to gain access to the system.  

Once you have completed the documents they should be submitted to the Automated Systems Help Desk at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


In addition to the above-listed forms, if your agency recommends foster homes you will also need to submit your vendor payment information to Ohio Shared Services.  This form is used to determine where payments should be sent when generated from Ohio SACWIS.  Instructions on how to manage payment information are attached, along with a copy of the OBM-5657.  Please note: The Vendor/Payee Information Forms are not to be sent to the Help Desk, as these forms are processed by a separate state agency (Office of Budget and Management).